Keeping Ken
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This is a complete listing of ScottŪ made in
1979. I will include Name, Model # (M#), Box Date (BD)
and Hair Color (HC). I am adding Clothing (C) and
Accessory (A) descriptions as well.
Highlighted box is the ScottŪ doll I keep.
A Brief History of ScottŪ
"Today's active super teen-always ahead of the crowd!" |
Let's face
it...ScottŪ is unusual, but a perfect reflection of 1980. His creation will be tied
to girlfriend SkipperŪ (BarbieŪ doll's little sister), as he enters the picture
after a turbulent previous five years for her. In1975 (five years before he is
introduced), Growing Up SkipperŪ, was causing a stir. With the twist of her arm,
she would grow taller and sprout a chest. Consumers wondered if it was really time
for this little girl character to grow up a little. SkipperŪ had been around for
ten years; what better way to reflect what happens naturally while growing up.
Parents of the dominate consumer were simply left offended by the genius marketing.
While scrambling for answers, Mattel simply whisked SkipperŪ off to boarding school for
"the rest of the change". SkipperŪ would not make another reappearance on
store shelves for four more years. In 1979 (time heals all wounds), she is back in two completely different versions. She joins Sun Lovin' Malibu Ken and friends in the standard swim line. SkipperŪ looks like she did back in 1975, without the marketing. Later in the year she makes a dramatic change! She is now advertised and referred to as "Super TEEN" SkipperŪ. Our little girl did grow up while she was away! Her head mold is changed, which makes her look slightly older than before. A whole new world is opened up for her and her consumers. SkipperŪ could finally do what every other girl her age dreams of...have a boyfriend! ScottŪ stepped into place perfectly, as intended. His marketing as "SkipperŪ's boyfriend" was pretty straight forward. The ScottŪ head mold would be used for his one time appearance. Interestingly, two different arm molds are used! ScottŪ's right arm is ptr (pointed to rear) while his left arm is bent. His mismatched arms are also characterized in drawings of him on the front of the box. ScottŪ's different arm molds were the result of a common cost cutting method; the reuse of old molds. Though ScottŪ's face was his own, his body mold was originally used by Mattel to make a Jimmy Osmond doll. Jimmy was created to accompany his siblings Donny and Marie, but he saw limited distribution. (Mostly in Canada.) Like the Donny and Marie dolls, Jimmy had one straight arm, and one arm bent so that he could hold up his microphone. That's why ScottŪ was constructed with the bent arm. ScottŪ's biggest and most recognizable attribute is his hair style. It certainly leaves a lasting impression on most people. The "perm" craze is still capturing attention, due in large part to the television series "The Brady Bunch". The men on the show had received perms, and the popularity of "permanents" for men had not waned. Fittingly, Mattel will produce ScottŪ with several current trends, while tempting consumers with his locks. Roller-skating and skateboarding is also popular with teenagers, and ScottŪ (roller-skating) and SkipperŪ (skateboarding) are matched separately for fun. With a clothing change, they take on a decidedly different persona. ScottŪ is "Today's active super teen-always ahead of the crowd" while SkipperŪ is "Glamorous one minute-a supersport the next!" These instant changes are represented in a long skirt for SkipperŪ and pants for ScottŪ. ScottŪ's departure seemed inevitable, made largely in part for SkipperŪ's reappearance. He will remain important for guiding her from simple adolescence, to today's teenager. He will also be remembered as SkipperŪ's first love interest. SkipperŪ wouldn't have another boyfriend until 1990, perhaps in respect to ScottŪ, her first true love. Wherever he went, collectors still have a "crush" on ScottŪ! |
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Scott M#: 1019 BD: 1979 HC: Rooted Brown (Curly) C: Blue jeans. Yellow and navy with single purple stripe tank top. Matching jacket l/s. A: Yellow with purple trim shorts. Navy tennis shoes. Yellow, purple and black roller skates. |
ScottŪ is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc. These pages are neither affiliated with, nor a representative of Mattel, Inc. Material provided on these pages do not in any way reflect the opinions of Mattel, Inc.