Keeping Ken
Barbie Convention 2003
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National Barbie Convention 2003-Souvenir Shop Page 2
Tuesday June 24, 2003
Three single charms included KenŽ in Saturday Night Date #786, Bendable Leg Ken (Brunette) and Allan. To get the last of the male friend charms, you had to purchase "The World of BarbieŽ 2003-Orlando" pin which included three more BarbieŽ charms and AllanŽ dressed in Best Man #1425. I also purchased the Black Francie charm because I liked it!
A four charm set included BarbieŽ in Cheerleader #0876, MidgeŽ in Drum Majorette #0875 and KenŽ in Drum Major #0775 and Touchdown #799.