Keeping Ken
National Barbie Convention 2003
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National Barbie Convention 2004-Family Reunion Picnic Luncheon Page 5
Thursday August 5, 2004
Family Reunion Picnic Luncheon-Our table...another goodie bag from Michelle, plus a Tommy doll and "attic find" chest from our Host Jack. This would be a precursor to our gift set gift the next evening. Also, a Barbie & Kelly fashion, Picnic pin, picnic basket tin box and miniature drinks courtesy of the convention.
Family Reunion Picnic Luncheon-Close-up of the Tommy doll and "attic find" chest from our Host Jack.
Family Reunion Picnic Luncheon-Lisa Steadman from Mattel with Jack.
National Barbie Convention 2004-Family Reunion Picnic Luncheon Page 6