The theme of the National
Barbie® Convention 2002 is Mod, and highlighted the years
1967-1974 in Barbie®
doll's history. This years collectors convention was hosted by The
Fashion Doll Club of the Rockies from June 5-8, 2002 in Denver, Colorado
and is appropriately called "Rocky Mountain Modsm". The
website is Rock
Mountain Modsm. The
beneficiary charity is "Angels Unaware", a support group for
families with HIV/AIDS. The convention was held at the Adam's
Mark Hotel Denver, located downtown on Denver's famous 16th Street Mall.
doll and Brad®
are represented in the competition categories. They will join other male Barbie®
doll friends, Ricky®
and Todd®.
It is interesting to note that Allan®
is also included in the competition, which is strange for the
time-line of the convention (1967-1974). Allan®
was quickly discontinued in 1965 the year the second version was
released, but was available for sale in limited quantities until
1966. Ken® was also available for sale through 1966, but
found a extended absence until being released with an entirely
different look and body mold in 1969.
The host
club is also including Barbie®
doll's female friends from this era like Twiggy, Skipper®,
Black Francie®,
Julia and Jamie®. You can also use Ken®,
or any other male friend/family in the creative design
categories. Ken®
is also included in the fashion show. |

ABOVE: Brad. |
Live Action Ken. |
The time line of 1967-1974
is very important in Ken®
doll's history. In 1968, a Ken®
doll was not even available for sale. When he was introduced
in 1969 he had transformed literally from a boy to a man! A new head
mold (marked 1968) is introduced in 1969 and his body mold is much
more muscular. From the Feature Story
Archive 02.11.01, "Completely
new for 1969, was the 1968 Ken®
head mold that had a cool, debonair look. It will be used until
1975. The
painted hair was longer in an Edwardian-style, that swept across the
forehead from a part on Ken’s left.
His new macho look imitated Warren Beatty, and he was
fashioned as Peter Fonda.
The eyebrows are painted much thicker, his eye color returns
to blue, and his skin tone is pinker.
With the production of this head mold, we see the first open
mouth smile showing white painted “teeth”.
His new huskier body mold made all the clothing made prior to
this time not fit anymore.
To resolve this problem, Mattel produced four new outfits
that complemented this new persona. Ken®
dolls and friends of the convention era include the
following: |
Tuesday, June 4, 2002
Mark, Denver
I actually drove to Denver this
year. The 13 hour drive wasn't that bad since I had a
traveling companion Brooke. We drove all day Monday from Iowa
City, IA to Denver and stayed at Brooke's sisters house on Monday
night. Since check-in time was not until 3p, we took the
opportunity to shop at a local mall. I found a current
"groovy" looking shirt that I could wear later at a
function. I'm not really into the "theme" dressing,
so this was my first attempt at doing it.
I checked in around 4p and got all
the items that were stuffed into my car to the room. I did the
early registration at this time and dropped of Linda's silent
auction doll. Then it was time for room shopping. With
all of the activities I was involved in, this was really my only
chance to go room shopping and the experience was very
relaxing. There were really not too many other conventioneers
that have arrived yet, so I felt like I had first crack at
everything. Later, I found out that I missed a room that had
everything I was looking for (I walked right past it), but hey,
there is always next year.
Pictures of this event at
National Barbie Convention 2002-Arrival
Room Shopping
Best Item Found-Susan
Maxwell called our room, from another she was Room Shopping
in. She wondered if we would be interested in any of the
Enhanced Briefs for Ken® in a variety colors and patterns she
found for sale! Between the four of us, we bought every pair
and divided them evenly. I got a teal green pair and another
pair that is navy with white stars!
Right: Enhanced Briefs
for Ken®. The color shown here is "Racy
Red". (From the collection of Dwane Adle). |

Best Prices-I did have a great
time in Katy's (Katy's Kollectibles) room (
and it was really nice seeing her again. Hands down, Katy had
the best prices on the Silkstone™ Barbie® dolls. When I
came back a day or two later, what she had brought with her was
almost gone. I was REALLY tempted to buy the raven haired
Silkstone™ Barbie®, but the name "Ken®" kept going
through my brain.
Best Ken® Shopping, Best
Vintage/Mod Era Shopping-If you wanted to drool over the best
examples of mint condition NRFB Vintage and Mod era items, you
wanted to shop in Joe Blitman's room (
I got to talk with both Joe and Kevin Mulligan and they let
me take pictures of the fabulous Ken® items they brought in.
I felt like a kid in a Ken® store. They had a huge room...and
it was packed with mint examples of everything you can imagine.

Best (and
Grooviest) OOAK Room-What can you say about the two most
talented people in the world? And they're married to
each other? David and Angie Howard had so many hand
crafted things in their room that it was like...far-out! From
trinkets to hand-painted Barbie® dresses, I was truly amazed
of the level of creativity these two have. Angie pointed
me to her "I Love Ken®" jewel pins and Ken®
bracelet charms. I wanted the #1431 Guruvy Formal
charm, but guess what? It was already purchased by Sandi
Holder...for me! If you missed this room, you missed being
inspired by "The Creative Duo".
Left: Angie Howard's
Ken® Guruvy Formal charm. A treasured gift from Sandi
Holder! |
Best Overall Selection-This is
the room I missed on the first day. Jack and Dwane discovered
it the following day and came out with some wonderful foreign
editions of Ken® doll. Dan and Faith Wagner's room
created a space where you could find just about anything HTF on the
foreign market, with a mix of other dolls and accessories. I
did end up buying something from them later in the Sales Room, which
I'll cover on Saturday.
Best Dealer-Where else could
you go and have a blended drink while shopping, or be invited to
"rest-a-bit". No place else but Sandi Holder's (
room. I was so tired that I sat on the couch and we talked for
about an hour. She is truly a Princess and had some great
Ken® gifts for me! I found what I was
looking for later at Sandi's table in the Sales Room, after
pre-viewing it here.
Pictures of this event at
National Barbie Convention 2002-Room Shopping
The only thing I
bought room shopping the first day was a loose mint condition Talking Brad
in original outfit with wrist tag, from the AMC Collection (
room. Yuchi Chuang must have known I would love
this doll! Brad® is a mute talker, but he was too handsome to
pass up!
Left: My new Talking
Brad®. |
It was another long
day...and I knew this would be the only day I could get a decent
nights rest, so I turned in early!
Wednesday, June
5, 2002
Today was the day! The first official
gathering of the conventioneers! Workshops were in
process from at 12p-4, but because of my schedule, I couldn't
attend any workshops this time.
Mod Boot and Beltmaking
by Michael Chambers and Joseph Dunn
Create a pair of MOD boots and
matching belt. |
Polymer Clay Picnic
by Jenn Scully
Create a picnic basket full of
miniature foods including sandwiches, desserts and more. |
Beginners Mod Rerooting
and Restyling
by Ann Meili, Bob Hrivnak and George
Easy to learn step-by-step
instructions on MOD rerooting and styling. |
Advanced Mod Rerooting
and Restyling
by Ann Meili, Bob Hrivnak and George
More advanced instructions on MOD
rerooting and styling. |
MOD Restoration-Limb
by Kris Peterson and Phyllis Belcher
Designed to teach you the technique
of repairing and reattaching MOD era doll limbs while maintaining
their mobility. |
Fabric Origami
by Vicki Young
Based on the Japanese art of
"Origami", learn how to fold fabric and create a stole for
your doll. |
I decided to drop off all the display
pieces for the Fan of the Man table around 9a, while other dealers
were setting up in the Sales Room. Then I had my last few
hours of free time. Brooke and I went to breakfast at the
"Delectable Egg" which I had called the "Detachable
Egg" after reading the sign wrong. (Who knows what I was
thinking). It was right down the street from the hotel.
We had REAL French toast (not the fake American kind) that was so
good, I could feel the calories coursing through my veins. The
French toast was exactly what vacations are all about.
Brooke was way excited to see me actually eating since she had
become accustomed to me eating only once a day (she really hated
that). We chilled for a while and her sister came to pick her
up. That was the last time I saw Brooke before I went home.
(I think she was already in Ken® overload).
I was trying to hang out and see if
Dwane and Jack (my roommates/tablemates/buddies/etc.) had arrived in
Denver yet. It just happened that while waiting for the
elevator, it opened and they were inside. That's a cool
way to find the people you're looking for! They were going to
lunch, so I told them I would meet them in the room.
Little did I know that they did some
SERIOUS room shopping.
Eventually we caught up with each
other and got ready for the Go-Go Gathering in the room. There
were clothes everywhere. Probably the best part of the
convention is getting ready for the events, because you get to spend
quality time with your roomies. Dwane and Jack are the best
roommates ever!
Go-Go Gathering
A dizzying, nightmarish clash of
colors (including hair color) awaited you at the convention's first
official event. The ladies were as hot as the coffee, and the
guys were out-a-sight! I wore my "normal" shirt, while
Jack and Dwane pulled out some groovy Vintage threads for the occasion.
I must have asked twenty people where they got their Mod clothes,
and while a few had actually made their own clothing, most people replied "eBay". I thought that was
pretty interesting, since I usually only visit the Ken® doll
listings at eBay.
This was a chance to see everyone
again. I made the moves around the room and chatted with some
people I had met last year. I'll admit I am horrible with
names, but I always remember a face. We hung out till the room
pretty much cleared, then we met up with Norita Bergmann (co-chair of last year's convention in
Dearborn). What a
complete joy she is!
Pictures of this event
at National Barbie Convention 2002-Go-Go Gathering
We convinced Norita and a few of her
friends to come out to eat (yes, I ate twice today) and we explored
16th St. looking for just the right place.
I don't even remember the place we
ate, but it was COOL! It was like eating in a cave. I just
wish I had ordered the Gazpacho soup, because it
was excellent (I tried Norita's). It took forever to get our
food, but who cared! We had the most incredible time just
laughing...and laughing some more with each other.
Pictures of this event
at National Barbie Convention 2002-After the Go-Go Gathering
Thursday, June
6, 2002
This day looked to be the busiest day
of the entire convention for me! I literally had something to do
every minute. It was challenging, but I survived.
My day started early around 7:45a as
I met the television producer Geraldine Smirk and
crew from Idtv (Netherlands) to drop off the Ken® doll dressed in #1431 Guruvy Formal.
The host Rob Kamphues from
their show would be using it later as a participant in the Fashion
Show. Rob arrived with a lot of "flair" down the escalator
carrying his version of Guruvy Formal (complete with Malibu Ken®
blonde wig). I was not a participant in the Fashion Show this
year, but the rehearsal was from 8a-9a. I sighed (with relief)
when told that I would not be part of the documentary they were
filming that day. I was very sorry to learn that Rob
had to immediately leave the convention when news arrived that a
family member had became ill. I don't know whether the crew
completed filming the convention coverage, but Rob's presence in the
Fashion Show was memorable (pictures in the Fashion Show link).
Pictures of this event at National Barbie Convention 2002-Idtv (Netherlands)
Square-Fan of the Man Club Table
Then it was time for me to drop off
the items for the Fan of the Man club
table located in Piccadilly Square that was outside of the sales
Room area. I had set up the four tables previously with all
the display cases, so now it was time to add the donated merchandise
and complete the table. Thanks to the following FOTM club
members who donated items to raise funds for the club: Dwane
Adle, Linda DiCicco, Jason Pickering, Dorinda Balanecki, Susan
Maxwell and Dan Campbell. Also thanks to Bea for the great
photo for table decoration! Also, many thanks to FOTM
club members Susan Maxwell, Jack Wootten and Dwane Adle, who helped
staff the table!
Our survey about Ken® doll
collecting let you decide what you want to see in the Ken® doll
line from Mattel. Have you been itching for a Silkstone™ Ken®,
a Reproduction Ken® or a separate Ken® Collectibles line similar
to the Barbie® Collectibles™ doll line? Taking the survey was
your chance to share your passion and insight! Our goal is to
turn in ALL the surveys to Mattel, with everyone's viewpoints!
Fan of the Man club had two separate
exhibits featuring Ken® doll. One exhibit highlighted Ken®
doll's four new fashions in 1969 after the body mold change. Four
dolls from the era were dressed in these four outfits and arranged
in a picture frame fixture that added a 3-dimensial effect, with Ken®
looking as though he is exiting the picture frame. We also had three
very large shadow box fixtures that represent a Ken® doll from the
eras of 1960 (Flock Hair), 70 (Mod Hair), 80 (Sunsational African
American), 90 (Harley Davidson 1) and 2000 (40th Anniversary). Text
accompanied each specific doll. The shadow display box allowed great
depth for posing of the dolls, with the text towards the back of
each box. This allowed the conventioneers and public an opportunity
to really study the dolls as they are reading. The public
especially enjoyed this display on public day (Saturday)! I held
many conversations with the public about Ken® doll and Ken®
It was very busy as the dealers in
the Sales Room were also setting up merchandise from 7a-11a.
It was flurry of activity in this area with the 8a-12p-Registration.
Also the Souvenir and Raffle Rooms were open from 8a-10:30a
nearby. The tables set up in Piccadilly Square were roped off
so we could set up without being distracted (thank goodness).
Other tables in the Piccadilly Square area were Barbie® Bazaar
magazine, Barbie® Collectibles™ and KB Toys. There were
several other dealers, an African American doll collector club and a
bunch of OOAK doll artists!
Square and the Sales Room, were opened later at 2:30p-4:30p
today. The Raffle Room
and Souvenir Rooms were also reopened at this time.
Pictures of this event at National Barbie Convention 2002-Fan of the Man
Caranby Street -Souvenir
After the set-up I headed to a
Host/Hostess meeting from 9a-10a. This was the first year I
have hosted. Erma Rhodes (who was in charge of us) was simply
delightful! We were given instructions about the luncheon, and
filled in on the Mattel event that was to be held later. I was
pretty psyched because I couldn't wait to see my table guests!
The Souvenir Room was open from
8a-10:30a and later reopened at 2:30p-4:30p. The lines were
pretty long immediately at 8a., insuring these early risers the
sizes they needed. I thought I might try waiting in line (and
did) until the announcement came that the system that would accept
credit cards was not functioning. There was a mass movement to
the "cash or check" line after this announcement. I
decided not be part of the movement. I knew I could come back
later in the afternoon. Some exciting souvenirs were available
that included: several styles of t-shirts, a "pleather"
Barbie® logo jacket, Mod charms, mug, "I LOVE BARBIE®"
bumper sticker and a cool paper doll set. I wished that they had "I LOVE KEN®"
bumper stickers, but they didn't. I bought a t-shirt
designed by David Howard and the bumper sticker. Don't worry,
the bumper sticker is for someone else.
Pictures of this event at National Barbie Convention 2002-Caranby Street-Souvenir Room
Catwalk-Luncheon/Fashion Show
I entered Plaza ABC for the luncheon
function a little after 11a, after getting my hosts gifts from my
room and the convention gifts for our table. Being a Host this
year took a great deal of planning and coordination with my co-Hosts
Dwane Adle and Jack Wootten. It would become one of the most
memorable and certainly the most enjoyable thing I did this
year. Traditions from last year were continued, and new
traditions were set for next time. Here are the guests at this
years table:
Collector Table/National Barbie Convention 2002
HOST: Jef Beck (Ken®
collector, Ken® table Souvenir Ken® doll Artist/Creator [title used
loosely], Fan of the Man Treasurer and webmaster of Keeping
CO-HOST: Dwane Adle
(Ken® collector, Co-Chair, National Barbie®
Convention 2001, Ken® table Souvenirs and Fan of the Man
club member)
CO-HOST: Jack Wootten
(Ken® collector, Ken® table Souvenir gift set dolls Artist/Creator and Fan
of the Man
club member)
Susan Maxwell (Ken® collector, Fashion Doll Club of the Rockies
club member and Fan of the Man club member)
Michael Jankun (Ken® collector,
Convention Steering Committee)
Lisa Steadman (Mattel, Inc.
Copywriter, Barbie®
Valerie Case (Mattel, Inc. Producer,
Websites & Media)
Negin Haghighi (Mattel,
Inc. Graphic Designer, Barbie®
Deborah Singo (Logan, OH)
Laura Vickroy (Logan, OH)
Thing were a little chaotic as we
were trying to figure out were our table numbers would be.
Erma straightened things out and got us all to the correct table
placement, but time was short to get the tables actually set
up. I had a bunch of things to set up! Convention gifts
at this function included Joe Blitman's book Francie™ & Her
Mod, Mod, Mod, Mod World of Fashion from Hobby House Press, with
Fashion Doll Club of the Rockies bookmark. A
limited edition pink color fashion mannequin was a gift from Dream
House dolls. A commemorative fashion was also given called
"Plumb Crazy" by Don Meindl. I unveiled my gift
"Love-In" Ken® to my table guests at this function.
Eventually, we all got our tables put together 30 minutes late, and
seating didn't begin until 12p.
As they let the people in, I wildly
waved a kite with #78 on it. #78 was our table number, and #78
eventually became notorious for its party girl/boy reputation.
New friends Laura and Deborah
arrived first, and I think they were pretty nervous after I
explained this table represents the "Everything is
Ken®" campaign (just kidding). Laura is a Barbie®
collector and Deborah is her friend. They are both from Logan,
OH. I was just as nervous as they were, being a first time
Host. Eventually they figured out that this was the Ken®
collectors table. Out of 100 tables and ours being the only
Ken® one, they picked us! How lucky was that?
My arm became tired from waving the
kite and Jack took over when he arrived with Dwane.
Both of them brought theme clothing, and they looked great.
Handing off the kite became standard practice by the next meal
function. (Laura, Deborah and Susan helped out on
"kite" duty in later events). I do give most of the
other hosts/hostesses credit for their kite waving skills.
Some of the girls were up on chairs jammin' to the music and waving
their little kites like nobody's business It was truly
groovy. Dwane had The Original Traveling Ken,
which he dressed in Mod outfits throughout the entire
convention. Traveling Ken® changed clothes as much as we did!
Dwane placed Traveling Ken® aka "TK" in with the Barbie®
centerpiece at the table. TK became a hit and will eventually
get a lot of press throughout the convention! More on that
I think Michael and Lisa
arrived next. I had spoke to Michael earlier in the
lobby. He had arrived even earlier than I did to the
convention for his Steering committee duties. Lisa defines the
words "fun-loving". Don't you just love to be around
people like that? We would eventually laugh so hard and have
such a good time every time we saw each other, that I was
ready to ask her to marry me. (This is the "summer of
love" after all, and I pick Lisa).
Valerie came shortly after,
with Negin with all her camera equipment. (Remember
Valerie, Lisa and Negin were working). It was so interesting
watch the Barbie team in action! I love
news, and they loved bringing it to all of you on the "Ponytail
Press" at!
It was so nice to see Valerie again, and I was ready to ply her with
gifts. Valerie is so beautiful. She remained beautiful
throughout the entire convention, despite the fact that she was up
working in the wee hours of the morning...every night. I think
they need to make a Silkstone™ Valerie. Negin was so
full of energy! She took all of the fabulous pictures you saw every
day at Barbie's convention coverage. I hardly
saw poor Negin at all during this meal function because of the
Fashion Show. She was out putting her life on the line to
provide the best possible picture of moving objects (the
models). I was truly amazed at her agility to dart here and
there between models/tables/chairs/wait
staff/conventioneers/etc. All for the best picture
possible. She's awesome!
After a sack lunch, the Shagadelic
Catwalk Fashion Show begin coordinated by Jim Faraone.
was your chance to dress in your
out-of-sight, sock-it-to-me Barbie® doll and friends fashion from the
period of 1967-1974. Suggested Ken®
outfits were: Business Appointment #1424, #1431
Guruvy Formal, Suede Scene #1439, Bold
Gold #1436, The Sea Scene #1449, Breakfast
at 7 #1428 and Ken A Go Go #1423. They
also suggest original doll outfits like the one worn on Mod
Hair Ken. Since Ken®
was in "transition" in 1967 when the convention era starts, some
late Vintage items can still be worn. I didn't participate in the Fashion Show this year.
For those who did, the models strutted their stuff in MOD fashion! Towards the end,
children and families from "Angels Unaware" participated
in the show with costumes they have been working on for over a
year. There were cute little Tutti® and Todd® models as well
as two Ricky®s
and an Allan®.
It was very moving to see all these families affected with HIV/AIDS
participate, and each family was met with thunderous applause from
the audience!
With the Fashion Show completed, a
tribute to Ruth Handler was given by Liz Krenek. In
honor of Ruth Handler's memory and legacy, Liz then presented a
check from Mattel to Angels Unaware for $1000. Then, Arte
Banks, an adoptive mother of a child affected, gave a very
moving speech about the support and confidence she has gained from
the support that organizations like Angels Unaware provide. It
was the most emotional part of the convention for me. Arte
spoke from her heart and I felt so lucky to be a part of the
convention that was supporting an organization like Angels Unaware.
Pictures of this event at
National Barbie Convention 2002-Shagadelic Catwalk Luncheon
Square 15-Raffle Room
Immediately following the luncheon, I
was admitted to the Sales Room/Piccadilly Square area at 2p to work
at the Fan of the Man club table.
I met Bill Greening from Mattel while working at the
table. We talked about Ken® play line dolls. Turns out
that Bill likes Ken® (almost) as much as I do! Bill was so polite
and personable, that I didn't want our
conversation to end! I hope everyone gets the chance to meet him
sometime because he's awesome!
Fellow FOTM club member (and member
of The
Fashion Doll Club of the Rockies) Susan Maxwell,
met me to help out at the table. Susan and I had a lot of fun
trading places at the club table so we could go to the Sales Room
and shop a bit! Susan made FOTM logo buttons for the table that sold
out immediately. Lucky you who got our club logo pin!
Susan was a huge help at the table and afforded me some extra time
to see the Raffle Room and take pictures.
With so much to choose from, the
Raffle Room is always a hit at convention. From new dolls to
OOAK dolls, there is something for everyone. And they can all
be yours if your lucky raffle ticket is drawn. I usually pick
my favorites and put most of my tickets in these boxes instead of
spreading them out. My philosophy is "strength in
numbers". Alas, I did not win the Ken® doll donated from
Taggarts Odd Art Studio in Rush, NY. Their doll was a
repainted Movie Date Ken with
side-glancing eyes (pictures in link below).
Pictures of this event at
National Barbie Convention 2002-Raffle Room
After the Sales Room closed at 4p, I
finally had time to chill out for a few hours. It was time to
have dinner on your own, but I spent it talking with whoever I
happened to run into. It was time well spent. The people
you meet at convention are priceless! I ran into the girls I met at last year's workshop and this time I wrote down their names (Paula
and Beth). I
decided to get their picture again this year, to make it sort of a
tradition. HERE is the picture from this year,
and here is the LINK for last
year's picture (scroll down). Look's like we made another
friend this year and I forgot to write down her name (drat).
Paula and Beth are just too much
fun to be around! Can't wait to see them again next year (and their
new friend).
It was time for me to go to the
Mattel program that was kept a secret to everyone. When I
entered the room I about fell over. Words can't describe the
room decorations, so I'll try to explain with the pictures (link
below). Every last detail of the decorations were amazing,
right down to the table centerpieces. The tables were filled
with fresh fruit and a lot of chocolate. I immediately called the
pink chocolates with the Barbie® "B" as mine. When
everyone assembled at the table, the program started, but not before
everyone got a Malibu Fizz (or a drink of your choice) at the bar, courtesy
of Mattel.

Enjoy a Malibu Fizz.
Laura and Deborah
provided entertainment with pink "purses" filled with
Mod gifts. From pins, friendship bracelets to games to miniature
posters (for your Mod Barbie® room), I think we all appreciated all
the thought that went into putting this together! Whenever any of us
got bored, we turned to our bag of gifts and dug inside to see what
else we could find to play with! The program started with models
who looked like Malibu Barbie® and Ken®. This year the models
spoke, and their rapport was pretty cute. I thought the Malibu
Barbie® model was a dead ringer for the doll, but we all
couldn't decide which Ken® the Ken® model looked like. Liz Krenek
joined Malibu Barbie® and Ken® on stage and read some of the collectors' Malibu memories
submitted to the Malibu
section of After that, Liz , Malibu
Barbie® and Ken® held a drawing for 12 Barbie® Collectibles™
dolls from the 2003 line. Victoria Jackson of Aurora,
Colorado (and member of The
Fashion Doll Club of the Rockies) won the drawing. She was obviously
After that, entertainment was
provided by the Dan Band. I loved the band immensely,
but I found out afterwards some conventioneers just didn't get
it. All the songs performed were just hilarious. My
table guests had a great time laughing (and dancing) during the
band's performance.
After the band was finished (after
doing an encore) it was time for Mattel to present everyone in
attendance with a convention-exclusive Malibu Barbie®
gift bag. Inside the gift bag was a Malibu Barbie® doll
camera and the coolest pen with a "floating" Malibu
Barbie® doll inside. A plastic drinking cup was also inside
that had a faux bottom filled with sand and Barbie®-sized beach
umbrella, radio and sunglasses. Of course, a Malibu Barbie®
doll was also included with a special monogrammed beach towel
commemorating the 22nd Annual
Barbie® Convention.
Pictures of this event at
National Barbie Convention 2002-Mattel Program
After that, a group of us went out
for the "Far-Out Bar Trip" in Denver.
We all looked great, but I didn't bring my camera.
Friday, June
7, 2002
Square 14-Competition
Friday morning started out
early. It was time to place my entries into the
competition. I'm a "newbie" to entering anything
into the convention competition. Allured by the challenge to test my
fate (or Ken's for that matter, since I was entering him in the competition).
I arrived somewhere in the middle of the time frame from 7:30a-9:30a
to the Governor's Sq. 14 entry door. This was my first time,
so while waiting in line I watched the activity inside the
room. It was way cool that the host club decided to add Ken®
doll into the competition a few months after no Ken doll category existed
in the original competition categories. The "more
common" categories where an awesome addition this year.
It gave more collectors (like me) more chances of winning a ribbon,
since I really don't any what you would call "rare" things
in my collection.
Room Categories
This convention offered something
different in the competition category, like more common
categories, along with the traditional rare categories. This gave the collector who doesn't have a rare outfit a chance to win a
ribbon, as well as a chance to show off their doll and outfit.
Categories are judged First, Second and Third as well as Honorable Mention
awards. In addition, Judge's Choice, Chairman and People's Choice
awards will be given. Four dealers donated gift certificates for
the winners. Entry fee: $3 per item. Each conventioneer is
limited to one entry per category, sub-category, unless specified.
Competition Categories:
l. Barbie®
A-1 Standard Barbie/TNT Barbie MIB or
A-2 Standard Barbie/TNT Barbie
Dressed in outfit of era RARE
A-3 Standard Barbie/TNT Barbie
Dressed in outfit of era COMMON |
lV. Accessories
H-1 Licensed Mattel Products
H-2 Patent Leather Products
H-3 Paper Products |
ll. Barbie®
Family and Friends (Sub-Category)
B-1 (Skipper, Ricky, Scooter) MIB or
B-2 (Skipper, Ricky, Scooter) Dressed
in outfit of era RARE
B-3 (Skipper, Ricky, Scooter) Dressed
in outfit of era COMMON
C-1 Black Francie MIB or NRFB
C-2 Black Francie Dressed in outfit
of era RARE
C-3 Black Francie Dressed in outfit
of era COMMON
D-1 (Francie, Casey, Twiggy) MIB or
D-2 (Francie, Casey, Twiggy) Dressed
in outfit of era RARE
D-3 (Francie, Casey, Twiggy) Dressed
in outfit of era COMMON
E-1 (Tutti, Todd, Chris) MIB or
E-2 (Tutti, Todd, Chris) Dressed in
outfit of era RARE
E-3 (Tutti, Todd, Chris) Dressed in
outfit of era COMMON
F-1 (Midge, Stacey, Julia, Jamie) MIB
F-2 (Midge, Stacey, Julia, Jamie)
Dressed in outfit of era RARE
F-3 (Midge, Stacey, Julia, Jamie)
Dressed in outfit of era COMMON
Ken Mint In Box or NRFB
Ken Dressed In Outfit Of Era Rare
Ken, Allen, Brad Dressed In Outfit Of Era Common
Creative Designs of the MOD era 1967-1974 (ONE DOLL) (Sub-Category)
I-1 Celebrities (Single Doll)
- A. National/International-1.
Male 2. Female
- B. Denver Local (Any time
period)-1. Male 2. Female
J-1 Music
- A. Groups (Multi-Doll)
- B. Individual-1. Male
2. Female
- C. Diorama (Single and
K-1 Entertainment (Movies/Television)
- A. Single Doll (dressed as a
character)-1. Male 2. Female
- Diorama (Single and Multi-Doll)
L-1 Athletes
- Male
- Female
- Multi-Dolls
- Diorama (Single or Multi-Doll)
M-1 Events
- Single Doll-1. Male 2.
- Multiple Dolls
- Dioramas (Single or Multi-Doll)
N-1 Fashion
- A. Designer Reproductions
(Must accompanied by a photograph of original design and credits
to the original designer)-1. Male-a) Daywear b)
Eveningwear c) Miscellaneous 2. Female-a) Daywear b)
Eveningwear c) Bridal d) Miscellaneous
- Original Design-
1. American MOD Style 1967-1974-A) MALE-1. Daywear 2.
Eveningwear 3. Miscellaneous B) FEMALE-1. Daywear
2. Eveningwear 3. Bridal 4. Miscellaneous
2. British MOD Style 1967-1974-A) MALE-1. Daywear 2.
Eveningwear 3. Miscellaneous B) FEMALE-1. Daywear
2. Eveningwear 3. Bridal 4. Miscellaneous
3. Photography (original photographs including single or
lll. NRFB
Fashions of MOD era 1967-1974 (Sub-Category)
G-1 Barbie
G-2 Francie
G-3 Stacey
G-4 Julia
G-5 Skipper
G-6 Tutti and Todd
I checked in at the entry door with a
member of the convention competition staff. I entered the area
where the Ken® competition was. I unpacked and placed all
three of my entries on the table. You could place your entry
anyplace within a ribbon boundary section of the table (for that competition
specific area). You could not move anyone else's
item that had already been placed. You could take time and fix
it up if you needed to while the competition staff person
waited. There were little paper flowers on the table in each
section that served as suggested places to place your entry, but you
didn't have to. After placing my Ken® entries, I checked back
out at the door. Except for the "first-timer
jitters" I think everything went well.
Judging took place from 9:30a-10:30a,
and results would be know later in the day during viewing. It
was hard waiting for the room to reopen for viewing at 2p-3:30p. I
breathed a sigh of relief when the wait was finally over. The
early viewing was for dealers, photos and the entrants. I
took a good look around the room taking pictures at all of the great
stuff (after I went to see if my entries placed)! All of the
photos in the following link are from Dwane, because I lost a roll
of film from today. Thank goodness he took pictures (and there
are lots of them). I was very excited to see that all three
of my entries received a ribbon! Probably "first-times"
luck. After the special viewing period, the room was open to
conventioneer viewing from 4p-6p.
I entered three categories and here
was the outcome:
Place (New Good Lookin' Ken® NRFB)--O-1
Ken Mint In Box or NRFB
Place (Busy Ken dressed in 1972's Brown On Brown #1718)--O-2
Ken Dressed In Outfit Of Era Rare
Mention (Live
Action Ken dressed in 1971's Casual Scene #1472)--O-3
Ken, Allen, Brad Dressed In Outfit Of Era Common
Competition Room is a really neat part of the convention. It's
awesome to see all the hard work put into the OOAK dolls, fashions and
dioramas. It also gives you a chance to see rarer items. Matthew
Sutton's Scooby Doo doll ensemble won People's Choice Award and
David Howard's Andy Warhol "The Factory" diorama took
top honors receiving three awards: 1st Place (in category), Judge's
Choice Award and Chairperson of the Convention Award!
Pictures of this event
at National Barbie Convention 2002-Competition
Square 15-Silent Auction
Silent Auction dolls were in the same room as the raffle room, which
I visited on Thursday. Today was the day I would cover the
silent auction dolls and activities. I popped over to this
room about 2 hours before for closing, while Susan watched the FOTM
table. Today was the last day to place your bid on a silent
auction doll or drop your tickets for the raffle. It was very busy
inside the room with silent auction bid "lurkers" and people filling
out last minute raffle tickets. The room would close at 6:30p. The silent
auction items were awesome, and I took a lot of pictures...but this
was Friday, the day I lost the roll of film. Dwane took a few
pictures thank goodness! I kept close tabs on Linda DiCicco's
"Flower Power" OOAK Ken® doll (which she graciously
donated) to see the final bid price. The silent auction and
raffle proceeds go directly to "Angels Unaware," the
beneficiary charity of the convention.
Pictures of this
event at National Barbie Convention 2002-Silent Auction
of Love Dinner/Dance

True LOVE at the
Summer of Love Dinner/Dance.
Workshops continued
today from 8:30a-10:30a, 11a-1p and 2p-3:30. I had a pretty
clear afternoon until I went to work at the Fan of the Man club
table again at 4p. Susan Maxwell met to work with me.
Since we had one extra spot at our table, I invited Susan to sit
with us for the rest of the events. The Sales Room, along with
the Raffle, Silent Auction and Souvenir Rooms were open from 4p-6:30p, allowing
Susan and I a chance to "cover" each other for shopping
(and for me to cover the silent auction). I didn't take any pictures of the Sale Room this
year. Not that I didn't want to, I just forgot. Later,
Jack came to work at the FOTM club table and closed it down for the day.
It was double duty for me at 6:30p. I had Host duties, right when the rooms were
closing (at the same time). Thanks Jack for helping out!
was a quick change of clothes in our room, and off I went.
The Host/Hostesses were
totally loaded down with stuff for this event! A box of 10 Doll Show magazines, 10
Entrance Barbie® dolls courtesy of KB Toys and 10 host
club Barbie® fashions. The host club's fashion at this event
was Nancy Kella's "Groovy A Go Go". Plus, Rocky
Mountain "Maude" plush purple and green mascot bears
were already on the tables. Thank goodness I
had only Mod graphic cloth bags (with pencils) to give out myself
at this event! I got everything set up in the nick of time and the
doors were opened exactly at 7p for the Summer of Love Dinner/Dance.
As my table guests
entered, we all were loaded down with more surprises. Laura and Deborah
had another surprise of Mod gadgets and gizmos packet inside
pink cylinders. From mood rings, Mod print material to toys
etc., I loved all these things (especially the plastic flower
ring) and so did everyone else. Thanks Laura and Deborah, you
made the table so much fun!! Tablemate Michael was very
creative as he handed out his gifts. You had to choose a miniature
game key chain ( I think I chose "Sorry") and inside was a
number. Whichever number was inside was the order you got to
pick one of 10 different Kelly® Club dolls. I guess being the
Host gave me first choice, so I picked the "Winter Fun"
Nikki® doll. She's cute! Negin gave everyone an awesome
musical "jewel" box and a Barbie®
Fashion doll pen you can write with. I ended up with the
"Dancing Ballerina" version. I'm taking it to
work! I was feeling the love already...I
had the BEST table guests!
Right after dinner (or during) John
Reilly from KB Toys made a speech. KB Toys treats
collectors JUST AWESOME at the convention, and John is a BIG part of
that! He gave a great speech, and I look forward to seeing
John again next year! After the speech, he announced that a $250 KB
shopping spree ticket was taped somewhere on the underside of the
table! Our tablemate, Deborah Singo, just happened to find it
at her place at the table! That was awesome! Thanks John and KB Toys
for all the excitement!
This evening's program began with a collaboration
effort between Joe Blitman and Kevin Mulligan
who showcased some videos of Mod era dolls. My favorite one was
one that featured Ken® and Brad®. Brad® was totally the
star of the short video, and it made me feel great about purchasing
that Brad® doll earlier in the week during room shopping.
Another short video with spinning Mod era shoes was also cool! It
was fun and a lot of laughs.
Then former Mattel designer and
competition judge Carol Spencer presented the Barbie
Friend Award. This year's award went to Jim Faraone,
a OOAK/Makeover artist and author.
The next event, was of
course, the Summer of Love dance. It was announced that the
dance would be held at the Supreme Court Lounge, which was a bar in
the hotel. After the dinner event, I had to wait in line to pick up my
competition items, and drop them in the room before I could go to the
dance. It was pretty weird that the bar was not reserved, and
we were mixed with regular bar patrons. I personally had a
good time, but I heard a few of the conventioneers express that the
situation was uncomfortable. I spent about an hour there with
my friends and fellow tablemates. We had a great time talking.
Pictures of this event
at National Barbie Convention 2002-Summer of Love Dinner/Dance
Saturday, June
8, 2002
Governors Square
15-Raffle Room
Square 14-Silent Auction
This was the last day!
Jack and I used our free breakfast buffet tickets this morning at
the hotel restaurant. It was announced
during Friday's dinner that both the Raffle and Silent Auction
Rooms would be open again today. These special extended
hours gave conventioneers another chance of placing bids or
purchasing tickets. Since both rooms were supposed to be
closed and over with after Thursday at 6:30p, there were a few
grumbles from Silent Auction bidders that assumed that they had won
the items they had placed the highest bid on, when the room
closed. It was sort of confusing, but the Silent Auction items
were moved to the room that use to house the Competition
items. Previously, the Raffle and Silent Auction items were
together in the same room. Since the rooms were now closing at
different times, two different rooms were needed. From what I
can remember, the Raffle Room was re-opened from 8a-11a, followed by
the Raffle Room giveaways at 11a-12p. The Silent Auction Room
was re-opened from 12p-5p, followed by a Silent Auction ceremony
from 5:30p-7p. This year's Silent Auction raised $7,342 for
Angels Unaware.
continued today from 9:30a-11:30a, and again from 3p-5p. This
afternoon's big event was the Sales Room! It was open from
9:30a-10a for conventioneers only, then from 10a-4p for the
public. I worked at the FOTM club table again, along with
Susan. I did get in my last minute shopping...I bought this Live Action Ken
from Sandi Holder and this Mod Hair Ken
from somewhere else. Another dealer had the Tommy Snowman AA
I have been looking for! Today I had some great conversations with Denver locals about
Ken® doll. I was asked many different kinds of questions about
Ken®. Questions like how many have been made, to the
publicity surrounding Earring Magic Ken.
I think people found it very endearing that our club is so
passionate about Ken® doll! The displays were a hit, and generated
interest. The most common comment heard when passing by was,
"Look...a Ken® table". I think our club table
mission was complete!
Then it was time for
dealer tear down from 4p-5p. We packed everything up and took
it straight to my car in the parking lot. (Less to pack in the
morning!) After this, I went with Jack to witness the last few
minutes before the Silent Auction ended. Jack was checking his
bid, I was looking to see what Linda DiCicco's "Flower Power
Ken®" doll would end at. There was a lot of activity, as
a few people put down last second bids during the count-down.
I was happy to see "Flower Power Ken" go for $159, but
Jack got outbid on the doll he was bidding on.
It was time to chill
from 5p-6:30p, but I had little time, since I had to report for Host
admittance at 6:30p for the Gettin Groovy Dinner.
Groovy Dinner

Gettin Groovy
get-together at the Gettin Groovy Dinner. (Left to right)
Malibu Ken® in Lisa's fashion, Table centerpiece Christie®,
Traveling Ken® and Host gift Barbie®.
The Gettin Groovy Dinner
was the last event, and the last time I would see all my friends and
table mates. My co-hosts, Jack and Dwane, presented the table
with the "Mile High Mod" Barbie® and Ken® Gift Set
at this event. It was created by Dwane Adle, Dorinda Balanecki
and Jack Wootten. The airplane background is original artwork
from a Mod era Barbie® paper doll set, which was reproduced in
scale and then given a 3-D effect. Barbie's custom fashion is
a reproduction of the serving outfit in the Braniff Air Hostess gift
set, with a jacket similar to the boarding jacket in the same gift
set. From the host club, we got a third Barbie® doll fashion,
Brian York's "So Hip It Hurts". Mattel
provided two pins that are Mod era versions of Barbie®
Collectible™ dolls. They are very unique!
As the room filled, I
started to feel like I was missing everyone already. We had
the best time at our table this evening! Valerie gave each
table member a PHB Collection porcelain hinged box (with
shoes). Mine was Commuter Set™ Barbie® from the Barbie® Nostalgic
Series. Susan, the Colorado native at the table, gave
us some gifts to remember Colorado. A really cool clay Native
American whistle, and some flower seeds to plant at home. The
seeds are Colorado's state flower the Blue Columbine. Lisa
surprised us all with a Mod era Ken® doll fashion that he mother
made! The shirt came in two different colors, and I chose a orange
combo. This was so cool, right down to the fringed
vests. Lisa's Mom rocks! Thanks to Lisa and her Mom!! As a
special gift to the Host/Hostesses, I received a doll with the same,
but different color dress than the table doll did. It was an
orange color combo (pictured above far right).
All of these surprises
lead to the inevitable. We started to play again! We traded
our blonde centerpiece Barbie® doll for a Christie® doll with our
table neighbors, simply because we thought she was cooler.
Then we added The Original Traveling Ken
and more dolls. It was really fun! Of course we took lots of
pictures, and Traveling Ken became famous as he was covered in the
Ponytail Press at
There were announcements and a presentation by Mattel Barbie®
Collectibles™ designer Katiana Jimenez on her doll design
process. A short film followed that showcased her new 2003
line Designer Spotlight doll.
A 2003 welcome included
speeches from Steering Committee members. Julie Bronski passed
on the reigns to a new Steering Committee Chairman. Julie is
really an awesome person to meet! Then application forms with
pins were presented by the Host at each table for the 2003 National
Barbie Convention. It will be hosted by the Western
Pennsylvania Doll Club in Orlando, FL, June 24-29, 2003. The
theme is sketchy so far, but it will be called "The World of
Barbie®". Here is the website:
was now time for the Live Auction! I
was intrigued by Katiana Jimenez's "Gypsy Passion,"
a gift set featuring Barbie® and Ken®. The Ken® in the gift
set was the coolest Ken® doll I have ever laid eyes on! Others must
have noticed his HOT factor too, because "Gypsy Passion"
ended up fetching $8,250 in the live auction! So many talented
doll artists donated dolls, and the best presentation came from Camilli
De Bellis from Italy when describing her doll! What a
wonderful, charming person she is! In all, the live auction raised
over $22,000 for Angels Unaware.
Pictures of this event
at National Barbie Convention 2002-Gettin Groovy Dinner
That's the convention
coverage for this year! Thanks to all my old and new Ken® and
Barbie® friends! See you next year!